Can I Suspend My Car Insurance Temporarily? (Chesterland, OH)

Whether due to rising costs of insurance or the seasonal use of a vehicle. One common question received from motorists is if it’s possible to temporarily suspend or freeze a car insurance policy. Now, the answer depends on several different factors. Keep in mind that car insurance is required by law for any motor vehicle. So it’s against the law to drive a car without insurance. If however, you’re planning on parking your vehicle and not driving it for an extended period of time, there may be other options available to you. Depending on your carrier, you can often cancel the liability and collision portions of your policy and retain your comprehensive coverage, keeping your parking car covered against theft or damage additionally. Uh depending on where you live, this change may require you to file additional paperwork with the state to let them know that you will not be operating your vehicle to make a fully informed decision on how to suspend some or all of your car insurance coverage. It’s wise to speak directly with an insurance professional and weigh your options.

We’d be happy to review your insurance coverage options with you! Give us a call at 440-729-4042 or visit