Have you ever wondered if you can cancel your auto insurance policy at any time? Well, the simple answer is yes, you can. That’s right. You are not under any obligation to keep your insurance for any length of time. However, canceling your insurance can be tricky business. So if you plan on continuing to drive your car, then you’ll need to have another auto policy ready to go once the cancellation goes through. Also, if you have paid your insurance for six months or a year ahead of time, then it may take some time before your policy is prorated and the unused funds are returned. Uh but before making any final decision to cancel your policy, make sure that your new policy is ready and be prepared to wait for any prorated premiums. Now, in our opinion, the best way to make sure that you never have to cancel your policy is to find a knowledgeable insurance agent that you can trust and have them set up an auto policy for you.
We’d be happy to review your insurance coverage options with you! Give us a call at 440-729-4042 or visit https://luczkowskiagency.com.